Vacation time is pretty much done for the year, so it's time to get back to business on my blog.
If you're new to my blog, every Monday (save for vacation) I discuss the covers of books I'm reading. I've started reading You Don't Sweat Much for a Fat Girl by Celia Rivenbark. Doesn't the woman on that cover look like she's having fun. Nice and relaxed, not having a care in the world. She looks like a woman who embraces her curves, which is kind of what I thought the book was about. I'm only a few chapters in, and this author seems like a female Larry David. She says what people are thinking, but don't say aloud because it would be embarrassing. So far so good.
Coming Up for Air by Patti Callahan Henry is about a woman stuck in a lifeless marriage. Of course her world gets turned upside down because of this. I don't know why, but I always gravitate towards books with some kind of emotional strife. But looking at the cover, I wouldn't think anyone in it had a problem. It's light and airy, but I'm sure Ms. Henry will surprise me.
An interesting practice seems to have cropped up among self-written social media profiles, where the phrases that have been taboo on resumes (like "self-motivated team player") are creeping back into lists of job hunter credentials on LinkedIn.