Last year I was captivated story of a teenage boy with an eating disorder in A Trick of the Light by Lois Metzger. In honor of the paperback release Ms. Metzger is stopping by my blog with a guest post!

Here are five of them with some comments of my own:
1. The National Eating Disorder Association
(NEDA) estimates that 30 million people in this country have eating disorders
at some point in their lives.
The hardcover mentions the fact that 10 million in the U.S.
have eating disorders and that 10 percent of them are male—meaning one million
boys and men. Since then, I’ve learned
that this figure is probably too low, that in fact as many as 20 million people
are suffering from an eating disorder at any one time, and that one-third of
them are male.
2. Children as young as five have been diagnosed
with eating disorders.
Healthcare professionals are calling this “a disturbing
trend.” To put it mildly.
3. Male wrestlers are particularly susceptible
to eating disorders because they have to “make weight,” and mistakenly believe
that competing in a lower weight class will give them an advantage. For rapid weight loss before a weigh-in, up
to three-quarters of high school and collegiate wrestlers will fast, overexercise,
and restrict fluids.
My main character, Mike Welles, is not a wrestler, but so
many wrestlers struggle with eating disorders I wanted to shine a spotlight on
4. The “Maudsley Approach” to eating disorders,
also known as family-based treatment, has seen much success in recent
years. According to U.S. News &
World Report, it “emphasizes recovery over cause, and care provided by parents,
not by doctors.”
This carefully structured method is an alternative to
residential treatment (hospitalization).
5. If you want to help someone with an eating
disorder, it’s important to take action quickly because eating disorders can
escalate rapidly and are so deadly (with a mortality rate as high as 20
percent). A good first step is calling
the NEDA hotline: 1-800-931-2237.
This last one may be most important, because very often people
with eating disorders deny they have eating disorders and resist treatment, and
most people do not recover without intervention. It’s up to family and friends to take that
first step.
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